
Burlesque show featuring the famous Immodesty Blaize

It’s emerged that the licence problems at Slough’s long established “Flags” Entertease strip pub seems to be as a result of a council conspiracy. The pub has had a PEL and operated openly for 8 years but early in 2005 it was encouraged by the council to apply for a nudity waiver it had never needed before only to have the application turned down flat for no obvious reason. The main factor in being turned down seems to be not entirely unconnected to the fact that the nearby “Five Rivers” { I’d boycott that place} has just got a nude licence and it’s run by a councillor who seems to be straight out of the “Keith Vaz school of politics “. The 3rd world corruption in Slough has now forced the pub to become a private members bar only on striptease nights so if you want to visit check the Entertease web site. I also hear that the Printers pub in that benighted town has stopped having girls on.Talking of licence problems I understand that Conrad’s of Nottingham has only actually lost it’s late drinks licence and can still serve alcohol until 11pm. The club is under new management and is converting the downstairs part to more of a revue format with proper stage shows with the private dancing taking place upstairs only. Talking of Nottingham the Bar Lane club in Basford did not open in December as previously reported as the refurbishment has taken longer than expected, they hope now to open at the end of May. Also the Euro Bar venue mentioned last month is to be called “Desert Rose” .

News of a burlesque show featuring the famous Immodesty Blaize which is to run at London’s Arts Theatre from the 20th of May to the 18th of June.

I understand that ex Browns Sunni no longer works at the Metropolis and has moved to the Axe. I hear also there may be a brief comeback by the first “Miss Shoreditch” Ulrika from Sweden who has been living in Dallas in August. Also back after Easter was the lovely Elouise of Browns and Kat of the White Horse who was ” Miss Shoreditch 2005″

News of new clubs are still coming in thick and fast. Birmingham which already has many clubs looks like it will get a 2nd branch of “Legs 11” in the Merchant Stores pub on Broad St. This has been turned down by the council but it is being appealed and based on past experience should go ahead by the summer. The new club will be very close to the existing Rocket club and there they are introducing male lap dancers for ladies on Saturday night as part of a push to make the place more female friendly. A first club in Morecombe Lancashire is set to open in the old Oyster pub on the front there, it will make a change from the locals watching the traffic lights change! In Wakefield the former “ Blue Room “ has changed hands and has been renamed “Jailbird” seewww.jailbird.co.uk and re-opened on the 24th of March.

The “ UK Showgirl 2005” competition held by Lad’s mag Loaded cumulated in a dance off at Spearmint Rhino’s plush Tottenham Court Rd club early in March. The winner was Susan Bassett of Macclesfield who mainly dances at Long Legs in Manchester. The magazine’s April issue contains a DVD featuring the 10 finalists dancing.

The “ Miss Pole Queen UK” competition had it’s final at the Hammersmith Palais in February and was won by Aileen Daniel from Glasgow.

The Gloucester pub Crackers which has had strip shows on Saturday afternoon for several months now has a new agent in Alastair Watts which presumably means in future the shows will feature many of the girls that currently work at the White Horse, High Wycombe February’s club of the month. This could include former strip-magazine coverdancers Laura Hawkins and Amazon better known as the “ Boobie Sisters” below.

“Wildcat” the chain of clubs owned by the ambitious Matthew Haycox closed the old Spearmint Harrogate club acquired late in 2004 for a £250k refit early in March and expects to have it open by mid April. The refurb includes the installation of 18 private booths which have been fitted with council approval. I understand a further 2 new Wildcat clubs are in the pipeline.

I understand that Andy Hipgrave who founded Pole position magazine and wrote most of the dance related articles has now left the organisation. The London club Sophisticats has responded to the 24 hour licensing changes by applying for a licence to open until 5am. Very late club openings are common in Europe where many places only open at 11pm but whether they will work over here remains to be seen. Stafford club “ Most Wanted “ is sponsoring a motor bike racing team in 2005 and has also instituted “swingers nights” on certain Saturday nights. I understand Leicester’s Howlin Woolf club closed early in April, that still though leaves 4 clubs in the city.

Tenby’s only club “Jammos” has apparently lost it’s licence and I hear that Blue Leopard’s Liverpool branch has now been sold. Privilege Scarborough’s only club is on the market via Christie’s in Leeds for £75k leasehold, the club had tried unsuccessfully to expand in both Newcastle and Glasgow during 2004 but now seems to have given up the industry.

Privilege the only club in North Yorkshire is on the market
Blackpool’s “Wicked “club which was the only male only club I knew in the UK has had a change of ownership and now has girls on Thursday, Friday, and Sunday with male strippers just on Saturday night . The Southampton club Poletrix opened it’s doors at the end of March at 188, Bar Street, just Thursday to Saturday at present though they expect to go 6 days a week soon.


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Author: Saxon

Strip-magazine.com is covering the European Striptease industry with monthly updates on or famous London Gossip, Interviews with industry people, articles and news from the world of striptease. We also offer a Striptalk forum, Industry Directory with Stripclubs and Agents and a Job board for the Striptease industry in Europe.