Olympia Moments Photographer Julie Cook has collaborated with Paul Davies to release a book

Olympia Moments Strip History

Olympia Moments Photographer Julie Cook has collaborated with Paul Davies to release a limited edition (100 copies) book documenting the Olympia Moments private parties circa 1998-2008: 


You can also read the Shocking history of Striptease here

Unique life drawing event takes place at the White Horse Shoreditch. 

Whether you are an artist who enjoys drawing in unusual scenarios or simply an aesthete admiring the curves and shapes of a nude human body, White Horse on Shoreditch High Street will present you with a fantastic opportunity to plunge into the world of art and exoticism. 

The White Horse is apparently the first strip club in the world to run an official life drawing class event, for the benefit of dancers and artists alike. The classes are entirely self-organised by the strippers, who are inviting new audiences and challenging stereotypes. Drinks will be served at the bar, and the class will be lead but not tutored. £15 per person, £12 if you book online, £10 for students All levels of ability are welcomed, same for gender. All materials are available for a £2 donation.

Whites Gentlemen’s Club New Website

Whites Gentlemen’s Club has launched a new website. Elaborately designed, it gives detailed information of its 7 themed rooms: http://www.clubwhites.co.uk/

Research paper

A research paper on labour conditions in lap dance industry has been published by Dr Teela Sanders and Dr Kate Hardy  called  “Sex work: the ultimate precarious labour?, Criminal Justice Matters, 93:1, 16-17, DOI: 10.1080/09627251.2013.833760.  

Authors assess sex work in their labour as a part of wider processes of ‘flexibilisation’ that take place within modern society.

More consultations for SEV powers

Nottingham City Council has introduced SEV powers and consulted over policy, suggesting that it might wish to introduce a nil limit for SEVs and sex shops in the city (where there is currently one club and one sex shop). 

Eastern England Expansion

Taboo club of Grantham has opened a new club in Boston, also called Taboo. 


Secrets refit

The Secrets chain in London has closed its largest club, Euston, for a massive refurbishment. It’s due to open again before Christmas. 


Victoria, Hayes woes

A pub hosting exotic dancing is hoping a court will reinstate the operating permit withdrawn by councillors in the wake of drug arrests by police.

The owners of The Victoria in North Hyde Road, Hayes, have appealed to Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court the decision made by Hillingdon Council’s licensing sub-committee south on June 11 to revoke its licence . A preliminary hearing is scheduled for early October. 


The saga began when police raided the venue on May 14 and arrested nine people, of which seven were charged with drug dealing and drug possession offences and six admitted the offences , forcing the interim closure of the pub. 

Its owners appealed to the magistrates after being refused permission by the High Court on August 27 to launch a Judicial Review into the licensing sub-committee decision.

The same High Court judge quashed an interim relief order that had allowed The Victoria to re-open the month before pending the outcome of the High Court case.

A recent petition on their website has disappeared, but the pub held an open day (where no money changed hands) at the last weekend in September in the hope of getting locals to support the reopening cause. 

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Author: Saxon

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