Spearmint Rhino granted SEV
Sheffield has granted SEVs to it’s 3 places { one of them actually being a swingers club called La Chambre} including Spearmint Rhino which although it has been there for 9 years with no problems had a fem nazi inspired campaign to say the location was inappropriate. The council though was forced to conclude there were no grounds to refuse the license. The newly renamed “Villa Mercedes” {formerly Scores} had no objections at all. Spearmint Rhino enrolls for license renewal after the end of its six-month probationary period
I understand London Mayoral candidate and Islamic fundamentalist {or anybody else with an easily fiddled vote to supply} supporter , friend of Dictators, tax dodger, and bendy bus enthusiast Ken Livingstone has apparently said that if he is made Mayor again he would try to use the new law close down as many of London’s strip clubs as he can.
The 2 clubs in Hull “Fantasy Bar” and “Purple Door” have both been granted SEVs under the new law, the very long established strip pub the “Old Northwood” has also been granted one as has the “ST Lounge” in Wilmslow. In Portsmouth the council is making noises about deeming the whole centre unsuitable for strip venues or at the very least stopping any new ones, Elegance and Wiggle boss Paul Ojla has said he will take them to the European Court of Human Rights if they do. Shades in Leamington has again been refused a license on various spurious grounds , but a new club called “Images”” in Hemel Hempstead has applied to open. The “Candy bar” in Accrington has been granted an SEV.
More information on Object here http://strippingtheillusion.blogspot.com/2012/03/when-object-attack.html .
The former “Koola Bar” , Newquay’s only remaining lap dance venue, is now called “Wild Cherry” but the former “Halos” now called “Kiss” has applied for a new SEV to join it. The attempt by the “Embassy” club in Cheltenham to have licensed strippers on for the national hunt festival has failed due to the extreme sloth of the council in not having the hearing until after the event! The council has also put in considerable effort to monitor other clubs using strippers {there are normally several} over the week using the 11 times a year rule. What a great use of Police time !
Two of London’s most popular performers and former strip-magazine coverdancer’s
Chiqui {left} and Sabrina {right} are both back working in London early in late March/ early April. They can be seen at places like the White Horse, Shoreditch and the Peel in Kingston. Another popular ex coverdancer Nikki appeared in a C4 documentary on phone sex http://www.channel4.com/programmes/my-phone-sex-secrets/4od .
Platinum Lace’s flagship club in central London is held an art exhibition called “ Superpanic” during March. The semi finals of this years Erotic awards were held at Electrowertz, Angel Islington on March 14th , the final this year is set for May 26th venue yet to be announced.
A meeting where London based strippers and dancers can give their views on the industry and the efforts of people to close clubs down called “Dancers speak out” has been organised for April 18th at 6.30 at St Margaret’s House, 21 Old Ford Rd E2.
Katrina Darling {left} a cousin of Kate Middleton {though they have never actually met apparently} has created a bit of a stir by appearing in a burlesque review at the W.I.P. club in New York.
Mad Man City striker Mario Balotelli was seen leaving Liverpool strip club X in the city in the early hours of a match day at the start of the month and fined 2 weeks wages. For some reason his forays into lap dancing clubs seem to always be in Liverpool, he had an altercation with the bouncers at Rude there a few months ago.
Sidmouth firefighters are raising money for the NSPCC by performing a “full monty” strip show. It seems that strip shows at the venerable “Flying Scotsman” pub near Kings Cross may be coming to an end, an Islington councillor has stated that the owners have said that with the regeneration of the area they will be converting the pub into something more up market in the next year or so. The demand for a £14k SEV from Central Station a gay venue in Islington has been dropped and all the current venues in the borough have been granted new SEVs.
The former Baby Platinum in Leeds has changed hands and it’s name to Liberte see www.liberteleeds.co.uk .
Author: Saxon
Strip-magazine.com is covering the European Striptease industry with monthly updates on or famous London Gossip, Interviews with industry people, articles and news from the world of striptease. We also offer a Striptalk forum, Industry Directory with Stripclubs and Agents and a Job board for the Striptease industry in Europe.