Stripped “A life of Strip and Tease in Clubland” was published this month



STRIPPED:  A new book about the London scene called Stripped, A life of Strip and Tease in Clubland” by Samantha Bailey was published during the month. Another new book is by Brooke Magnanti the former “Belle de Jour” who amongst other things demolishes many of Object’s lies about lap dancing .

The new act seems to be having less impact around the country than I expected , Krystals the only club remaining in Wakefield has been given an SEV despite some opposition, the new “Amara” club in Leamington has also gained an SEV even though the existing club Shades was refused one. The “Nirvana” Indian restaurant in Aberdeen has been granted permission to introduce male strippers. “I Candy” Accrington’s first club has finally been given the full green light and should open shortly. “Platinum” in Chester has also been granted an SEV as has “Red Velvet in Consett. In Swansea a decision has been made about  a new license for “Belissimo” but the council won’t tell anybody what it is yet !

A FOI request regarding the strip clubs in Camden has shown up the fact that as usual the clubs are shown to create very little trouble see , this as usual rather contrasts with the statements by the likes of Object.

In another Leeds University report on the lap dancing industry it has been found that dancers earnings have declined during the recession partly due to a fall in custom but also due to club owners continuing to increase house fees and girl numbers. It also says that pressure to increase girls and private dances had resulted in a decline in the standard of stage shows in most clubs.

Over 6 months since the “consultation” closed Tower Hamlets has still not announced the results, in the meantime dancers and interested parties including GMB , Equity, and an MP had a meeting on the 18th of April called “ Dancers speak out”, here is an account of this .

The “Dreamers” club in Liverpool has been fined and banned from playing recorded music until it’s PPL is up to date.

Pussy GaloresThe former  ”Officers Deck” club in Newcastle has been renamed “Pussy Galores” {right} and now has a web site. Another new website is for the Nags Head in Aldgate .

In a decision that might have serious consequences for the industry a tribuneral has ruled that Nadine Quashie was employed by Stringfellows and so can now sue for unfair dismissal. While on the subject long time Conservative party donor Peter Stringfellow is apparently backing the local UKIP candidate in this month’s local government elections.

Ben Foden England rugby fullback and fiancé of pop star Una Healy was caught naked on stage at his stag night at Barcelona’s notorious Bagdad club.

Burlesque dancer Beatrix Von BourbonChilliesauce the stag trip organiser is to lecture at London Metropolitan University about event organisation. Odd really given that this not very esteemed establishment has produced more than it’s fair share of rubbish regarding lap dancing including the spectacularly incompetent Julie Bindel report.

Burlesque dancer Beatrix Von Bourbon {right} won through to the 2nd round of Britain’s Got Talent.

The film “Strippers v Werewolves” had it’s premier  in London during the month.


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Author: Saxon is covering the European Striptease industry with monthly updates on or famous London Gossip, Interviews with industry people, articles and news from the world of striptease. We also offer a Striptalk forum, Industry Directory with Stripclubs and Agents and a Job board for the Striptease industry in Europe.