Secret interview with one of Jessica Simmonds students!!

WOW – We just did a secret interview with one of Jessica Simmonds students!!In case you weren’t aware, Jessica Simmonds is on of the top earning strippers in the world, and although we know she teaches girls how to become strippers and make tons of money, we don’t really know how good she is….so we met one of her students in private to really find out if it’s the real deal…


Hi Tanya, Is it correct that you are one of Jessica’s students

Tanya : Yes I am, I bought her course over 6 months ago

Was it worth it?

Tanya: I have to admit it was the best money I spent. When I bought her book I had only been stripping for 1 month and I was looking for help, girls in my club were not opening their mouth and teaching me

What changed for you?

Tanya : Well I was quite shy and not very good at approaching customers. Jessica taught me techniques that allowed me to be more confident and also be more exciting to talk to. This changed my work so much as I was able to go up to any customer and start talking and building a connection….to get the guy really into me

So has it made a difference to your income?

Tanya: The difference is like night and day. I was a stripper who was grateful to go home with 50-100 a night…now I average 800-1000 a night…but I still do have the odd bad nights too


I’m impressed….that is a really big difference?

Tanya: Yeah it is quite amazing how much of a difference it has made…..I thought I would drive her mad by asking questions, but she answered every one of them

How did she teach you?

Tanya : She taught me firstly by reading her book which told me things that would really have been difficult for me to learn, Then she would go through my night the next day and we would discuss how to make it better. I also sent her emails to find out how to do certain things like deal with customers who want my phone number or want to take me out

I guess you would recommend it to other girls then huh?

Tanya : Well as long as they aren’t in my club! lol! I am doing a lot better then many girls who have been a stripper for a lot longer than me, so I would defiantly recommend her

Thank you Tanya.
If you would like more information on Jessica’s book and email consultations, visit

Top earning stripper in the world, Jessica Simmonds

Advice for Strippers From Jessica

Be A Better Stripper !

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Author: Saxon is covering the European Striptease industry with monthly updates on or famous London Gossip, Interviews with industry people, articles and news from the world of striptease. We also offer a Striptalk forum, Industry Directory with Stripclubs and Agents and a Job board for the Striptease industry in Europe.